The project Entreled stands for “empower people with learning disabilities for their professional development through boosting key skills for entrepreneurship in the circular economy”.
This project comprises a network of 5 partners from Vilnius, Greece and Italy. The partnership is a symbiosis of business partners and social authorities representing people with disabilities, all in the context of a circular economy.
The ENTRELED project aims to address the Erasmus+ priorities of increasing the flexibility of opportunities in vocational education and training (VET). In effect, it prepares individuals for active participation in the labour market. Therefore our goal is to:
- Empower students with learning difficulties to develop competencies and skills
- Design adapted digital games tailored to the needs of individuals with learning difficulties.
- Develop methodologies for skill development in the context of Circular Economy entrepreneurship.
- Create an online training platform to support VET teachers in delivering effective training sessions.
Overall the objective is to create a platform opening up opportunities in the circular economy. It will benefit both the learner as well as the environment.
Therefore the expected outcomes are manifold. The establishment of an innovative and inclusive training platform with digital games is a tangible outcome. It promotes the project’s long-term sustainability with measurable results 5 years beyond project closure. The other benefit lies in the formation of a network of stakeholders and organizations participating in the project and beyond.
Learningdigital works hand-in-hand with the partners to develop games and online training customised for the target group. The dissemination will be safeguarded through an online platform and increased uptake of the training platform.
For all enquiries, please contact us.